Two weeks in Europe 

I am blessed to be spending the next two weeks with my future team while they are applying for visas.  Every three months the team in Lipetsk has to exit to apply for new visas.  They found a very cost effective option in Vienna and invited me along.  Only two days into the trip and I am really enjoying getting to know my future team.

Last night we decided we wanted some authentic Austrian food.  So we stopped at a little pub down the street from our hotel and filed in, all eleven of us.  When the waiter came out with the picturless German menue we all prepared ourselves for an interesting meal.  We somehow got across the drinks we wanted and then worked through the options on the menue.  When the waitress came out we tried to ask about certain things.  She was great.  She started mooing and putting her fingers next to her head like horns to show it was cow.  For the dish that I asked about she began squwaking and doing her version of the chicken dance.  The best part was how serious she was about it, so none of us felt it was appropriate to burst into laughter.  It was very difficult.  

Success!!  Sarah was very happy with her “Viner schnitzel.”  

We didn’t all get what we thought we orderd but it was all very good!  We waited and waited for the last two meals that we thought had been ordered, until finally I tried to ask the waitres when their meals would come.  We all understood that the two children that had been waiting, actually did not have any food comming.  Of course we thought we had ordered them something… I wonder if she thought that we were just so cruel to have these two starving children sit there and watch us eat.  We had all shared with eachother and had more than we could eat so the children did not go hungry.  In the whole mix up I asked… No, I tried to ask, for the check to see if their meals were orderd.  She came out with the menue.  I tried again, drawing pictures in the air of a rectangle pice of something.  She came out with a pen and paper.  I finally took money out of my wallet and pretended to count it out and hand it to her.  She then understood.

Now I have a new language I want to learn!  We’ll see how long that desire lasts.